
Automatic Windows Authentication in Firefox

Setting network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris and network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris in about:config to a comma-delimited list of domain suffixes does the trick in a Windows environment.


Small Business Server Implementation Links

I’ve been building our Small Business Server. I’ve collected some links for useful documentation. Microsoft’s Docs on Terminal Server Printing, Setting up Terminal Server for no-approval Shadowing, Terminal Server Encryption, Shadowing the Console on a Terminal Server, Andy at DownHome Computers wrote up docs on his configs. Installing CRM on SBS 3.0. This Brian Madden Site has lots of other good writups on TS: Ultimate Guide to Terminal Server Printing. SeanDaniel Blog on SBS. Microsoft Partner Readiness Training. Another SBS Blog. Sonoma Associates Small Business Deployment Notes. Microsoft CRM Mobile 3.0. Open Source CRM Mobile Express. Another SBS Blog. Another CRM Blog, and of course, THE CRM Blog. How to convert an email to a lead or case. ICR CRM Blog.


Cold Calling

Erik Wolfram’s cold calling tips. Microsoft Partner Selling Tips. More tips from Better Local Marketing blog…looks disused.


Boot Camp on the Macbook

Bootcamp is, of course, awesome….but it has it’s challenges. Control-alt-delete, and the right click being the big ones. There’s a good post on Pogue’s site that has discussion of fixes for this problem. The attractive ones appear to be Input Remapper and iMouse, drivers for XP that fix one or the other of these problems.


More Book Wish List

Ok, I still need to read the books I have…like that great Roger Dawson, and Brawn, and the Bhagivad Gita. But I’d also like a peek at How To Get Your Competition Fired (Without Saying Anything Bad About Them), which looks like a great book on designing a better marketing message, and The Singularity is Near , which is about how the future will be cool….not suck ass….something we don’t hear enough anymore.


Book Wish List

I’ve been digging through my journals today, and there’s a few books I’d love to read.

Emotional Discipline: The Power To Choose How You Feel. Ooosh. What a title. I’d love to feel like I had that kind of control, always. Just be happy about things, or steer an even keel no matter what comes up. I’d be an unstoppable killing machine!

How to Photograph Women Beautifully: Professional Techniques for Creating Glamorous Pictures. I’m actually more interested in the followup book, but I have no idea when he’s coming out with it. I’d love to have the skill to take ultimately fattering pictures of the women in my life. And I’d get to have more pictures of them, too, since they’d let me take them.

Bulletproof Web Design. Strategies for creating effective CSS sites. I’m overwhelmed by CSS and really need to learn it solidly at some point.


Why I Don’t Smoke.

I quit smoking recently. Every once and a while, I need to remind myself why I don’t smoke. Here’s why.

Firstly, smoking is death-seeking. I like my life, and I want to live for some time yet (see you in 2105!). Smoking is a symbol of the opposite of that, a symbol of my youthful angst and desire for oblivion. I still feel the pull of oblivion, but when I remember who I am, I don’t really want it. I want rich life, not emptyness, and smoking just pulls me in the wrong direction.

Secondly, smoking is part of a victim-mindset. I smoked because I could not change or correct the things wrong with my life. I smoked to rebel from the stuff that I could not change. These things are no longer true for me. I can change my life. Every moment of every day I can. So why do I need to rebel against my victimization? I don’t.

Third. It tastes horrible. Man, oh, man. Does it taste horrible. Fuck!

Fourth, the buzz from nicotine is horrendous. It makes me shake and unable to walk straight. Oblivion-boy liked that shit. I don’t.

Tomorrow is two weeks since I quit smoking. It’s getting way easier. I still have urges after I eat, but for the most part I don’t want any of it anymore.


Fighting with the Bus.

I had my first day of karate. It rocked. It was fun, and can see the workouts coming. I can’t wait for Wednesday when I can go again.

Getting there was a hassle. I still can’t seem to get TriMet to be reliable. I missed the Towncar because it CAME EARLY (#$%^!!@!@$) and I missed the Max, because I got there on time. The driver shut the doors on me and drove off. I really love TriMet’s customer ethic. I have a call into their customer service. Let’s see if they ever get back to me.

Today was goals evaluation day for the last week. I actually did pretty good. A little bit short on the task list goals, but really long on the personal development stuff. I’m making progress on me, and I like it. Half my goals for the next week are in the personal development scheme too. I can’t wait to be another week down the road and happy.

I need to teach Covey to some other people. It’s a help to me, and maybe of some small value to them. I need to explain to someone that my advice habit is often my clarification of my own thoughts.

Yesterday, I did my walk all the way south on the Waterfront, across the river on the Steel Bridge, and then back north to the Ross Island Bridge, across, and home. Damn, that was a good walk! Longish. Good for me. I didn’t even get blistered. Yay!

It’s interesting how experience changes one. I’ve been feeling strongly the message of stories about past love. I have, in the past, never been able to empathize with these memes.


I want to help people



Glaring, Hating