
WordPress 1.21 CSS Bug

As explained in someone else’s blog, there is a bug in WP1.21 that allows the site URL to be corrupted in the database, and then the formatting on your site goes poof. The fix is simple.


The Open CD Version 2

Open Source Software is a great stocking stuffer. I made a set for my clients, but I shoulda looked for The Open CD.


Setting up yahoo mail fetching on Mac OS X and gentoo

YahooPOPs is a cool little proggie for downloading your Yahoo! mail. Download the build from the forums rather than the download page, since it seems like the compiling from the devs is a little behind. Also, it needs Fink and libxml installed. A little bit of work, but it doesn’t lock my Yahoo! Mail account like Mr. Postman did, and it’s not as limited-use as fetchyahoo.

I tried to set it up on my gentoo box, but it just SegFaults. Doesn’t look like the codebase for this app is particularly well maintained. Oh well. Still a good tool.

Update: Wow, was that a big dead end. This program has more warts than a frog-licker’s tongue. I’ve pulled it completely now. Locked yahoo account and crashed thunderbird just make the lack of effective downloading less fun. Bah.