
How to build your own LCD projector on the cheap

Article on slashdot.


Karate Websites

Kelly Slay:

Try Brian’s Kenpo Page (not our Brian)

Also, you can try Texas Kenpo at

And the last site is KenpoNet.

Brian’s page is my favorite, because it’s easy to navigate, and while he has some minor differences in some techniques, he is mostly the same. Texas Kenpo has some very good information, but it’s filled with mystery meat navigation, so can be challenging. Kenpo Net doesn’t have a lot on techniques, (that I have seen) but has a lot of history and some discussion boards etc. that Milt has been active on. He’s trying to stir the pot in an entertaining manor.


Sound Effects for Free

The Freesound project has lots and lots of free sound effect samples. D&D, here I come!


Like a swiss army knike for hard drives….

Everybody needs to use an old hard drive sooner or later, wouldn’t it be great if you could just get a cable that plugged into the old thing? How about a USB to IDE cable? One that works on laptop drives too? Great!


DVD Shrink No More

The black hats at RIAA knocked over DVD Shrink’s wagon. Have no fear, however. The new, open source DVD compression alternative is available now. ShrinkTo5 will do the trick, and looks like it’s going to be available for Linux and Mac soon as well.


Great Books Online for FREE!

I guess this stuff has been around for a while…but I haven’t seen it before, so it’s new to me. If you’re a fan of David Weber, David Drake or any of a pile of other Baen authors, the Baen Free Library is awesome! And you can get a copy of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress over at The Assayer. Other good free stuff to be had there as well.


Map the Mind: No Charge

FreeMind is a mind-mapping package written in Java with free downloads for Windows and Mac OS X.


Webmail 2.0

I’ve been wanting to put a webmail/IMAP client on RoundCube looks to be an exciting option to explore in a couple of months.


Get your indy music here

Podcasting has been a challenge for many, due to the lack of ‘podsafe’ music, music which is not licensed under RIAA and ASCAP and such. But two sites are up, providing access to music which can be freely used. CommonTunes looks good, although the license information seems lacking (they still have the BBC Beeth-Oven performances listed, when those weren’t redestributable. I feel safer over at the podsafe music network which comes from Adam Curry and the podshow guys.


Making money on blogging.

Slashdot reported on a blogger who pulled at $15,000 adsense check. The blogger responded. Other people make big money blogging too.