Some good info is found here. You need to uncheck things under Help->Detect and Repair, then run the script in the extended notes here.
Tag: General
Run Windows SPYWARE free!
Wireless Spectrum Analyzer
Learning from Captain Mal
Just another mindless link: O3 magazine.
A Collaboration Solution at Last?
I’m very excited about the possibilities of Zimbra. Nice AJAZ user interface for collaboration software. Might finally do the trick.
Get your indy music here
Podcasting has been a challenge for many, due to the lack of ‘podsafe’ music, music which is not licensed under RIAA and ASCAP and such. But two sites are up, providing access to music which can be freely used. CommonTunes looks good, although the license information seems lacking (they still have the BBC Beeth-Oven performances listed, when those weren’t redestributable. I feel safer over at the podsafe music network which comes from Adam Curry and the podshow guys.
Making money on blogging.
Slashdot reported on a blogger who pulled at $15,000 adsense check. The blogger responded. Other people make big money blogging too.
O’Reilly: The Ultimate Recording Studio
Best Bugfix Ever
Mac OS X 10.4.2 fixes numerous bugs including:
Orange iCal calendars, with alarms that go off while iCal is not open, no longer change color after the alarm is snoozed.