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Month: December 2005
Karate Websites
Kelly Slay:
Try Brian’s Kenpo Page (not our Brian) Also, you can try Texas Kenpo at And the last site is KenpoNet. Brian’s page is my favorite, because it’s easy to navigate, and while he has some minor differences in some techniques, he is mostly the same. Texas Kenpo has some very good information, but it’s filled with mystery meat navigation, so can be challenging. Kenpo Net doesn’t have a lot on techniques, (that I have seen) but has a lot of history and some discussion boards etc. that Milt has been active on. He’s trying to stir the pot in an entertaining manor.Just another mindless link: O3 magazine.
Sound Effects for Free
The Freesound project has lots and lots of free sound effect samples. D&D, here I come!